More than tokens
Ensuring young people are active decision-makers in civic spaces
In July 2021, with support from the #RisingYouth grants administered by TakingITGlobal, we launched a web-based survey to explore the tokenization young people experience in civic spaces. To deepen our understanding of these issues, we conducted two additional surveys in November 2021, supported by a UN Women grant, focusing on both the problems and potential solutions to youth tokenization.
As a result of these research efforts, CCYPS developed the “Beyond Tokenism” toolkit (launched September 2024), a resource aimed at highlighting the lived experiences of young people in decision-making spaces and offering actionable recommendations to combat tokenism. This toolkit serves as a practical guide for ensuring meaningful youth engagement, both in Canada and globally, empowering young people to have a genuine influence in the spaces where decisions about their futures are made.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants who generously shared their experiences, as well as to TakingITGlobal and UN Women for their continued support in making this vital work possible.

Beyond Tokenism / Au-delà du symbolisme
The “Beyond Tokenism” toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to transform youth engagement in decision-making spaces. It offers practical tools and strategies to move beyond symbolic participation and ensure that young people have real influence in civic spaces. Featuring a self-assessment framework, guidance on youth-led initiatives, and fostering youth-adult partnerships, this toolkit equips organizations to create meaningful, inclusive environments where youth voices are truly valued.
La boîte à outils « Au-delà du symbolisme » est une ressource complète conçue pour transformer l’engagement des jeunes dans les espaces décisionnels. Elle propose des outils pratiques et des stratégies pour aller au-delà de la participation symbolique et garantir que les jeunes aient une véritable influence dans les espaces civiques. Avec un cadre d’auto-évaluation, des conseils pour des initiatives dirigées par des jeunes, et la promotion des partenariats intergénérationnels, cette boîte à outils permet aux organisations de créer des environnements inclusifs et significatifs où les voix des jeunes sont vraiment valorisées.
Research on the tokenization of young people
Surveys & Findings
Have your voice heard and fill out our surveys on the problems & solutions regarding the tokenization of young people in decision-making and civic spaces below.

Identifying Problems / Identifier les problèmes
Survey on the problems regarding tokenization of young people / Sondage sur les problèmes concernant la tokénisation des jeunes
Identifying Solutions / Identifier les solutions
Survey on the solutions for de-tokenization of young people / Sondage sur les solution pour dé-tokénisation les jeunes